Shock Festival Week 5 Winner Announced!

After taking much-deserved a week off, Stephen Romano has chosen a new winner in our ongoing Shock Festival contest, and he’s got some major updates for you guys, as well. Dig it!
“This week marks the third-to last round of our Shock Festival contest, as I am very nearly closing in on the final form that my book will take. Just two more weeks remain to enter the contest, kids, and then it’s history! So get those entries in for your last chance to be a PART OF HISTORY. Each of the winning entries will receive a limited edition Phantasm comic book, signed by myself and Phantasm creator Don Coscarelli. Also, remember, there will be a Grand Prize winner at the end of all this nonsense, selected from each entry by the fair and impartial Dread Central staff. Let me make that very clear: Since the final prize is not being decided by me, ALL the submitted entries will be eligible for the Grand Prize, whether they have won or not, giving everyone who enters before the deadline a fair chance and/or a second chance to win big! And what is the grand prize? Check it out:
The really-and-truly most-awesomest-of-all-the-contest entries will receive not only the cool Phantasm comic book, but a super limited-edition Gates of Hell comic, which is a preview of the full graphic novel I wrote, based on the Lucio Fulci film, due out next year … plus, a limited edition Halloween comic I wrote and edited, which was produced for the 25 anniversary convention of years back ( it’s really rare and comes with a swell CD, too!) … and, finally, in addition to all this badass shit, you will receive a personally autographed copy of the original shooting script from Masters of Horror: Incident On and Off a Mountain Road.
This is the very script we took to the set each day of filming, and contains all the cool extra scenes (and gore!) you never got to see in the final movie! Plus, it’s a very awesome work of writing, if I do say so, authored by myself and the legendary Don Coscarelli, based on the short story by Joe Lansdale.
Wait … you want more? Well okay, fine; the Grand Prize winner also gets a full sized, full-color poster print of his/her winning entry! Happy now? If that’s not enough to get your asses over here and ENTER THE LAST TWO WEEKS OF MY CONTEST, I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS, so get on it, kids! Enter as many times as you want! Do it now! JOIN US.
Meanwhile, enjoy this week’s winner, selected from a batch of thirteen really neat new entries submitted by Justin Dunnuck, a true Shock Festival fan with a real sense for this stuff. I chose this one totally at random from his entries, because they were all pretty cool. Among his other submissions were Blacksquatch! (The Missing Link Between The Brother And The Man Ain’t Takin’ No Mess!), Jive Of The Living Dead (“GIVE THEM SOME SKIN!!!”) and Sister Fission And The Meltdown Man (In 3-D!) (“The Cold War Just Got Red Hot!”)
Follow Justin’s lead, guys, and you’ll win big!”
Got news? Click here to submit it!
Discuss your plans for entering the contest in the Dread Central forums!