Go Behind the Scenes of Jensen Ackles-Directed Supernatural Episode 10.03 – Soul Survivor

Tonight’s Episode 10.03 of “Supernatural,” entitled “Soul Survivor,” was directed by series star Jensen Ackles; and along with a clip, we’ve gotten our hands on close to a dozen stills from the ep, including a few behind-the-scenes peeks at Ackles in action.
“Supernatural” Episode 10.03 – “Soul Survivor” (airs 10/21/14)
JENSEN ACKLES RETURNS TO THE HELM AS DIRECTOR — Sam (Jared Padalecki) continues his efforts to save Dean (Jensen Ackles) from the Mark of Cain. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) realizes Dean’s demonic antics are starting to cause problems for him in Hell so he searches out an unlikely ally – Castiel (Misha Collins).
Jensen Ackles directed the episode written by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming.
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