Exclusive: More Jeepers Creepers 3 Details

The last time we saw the Creeper, he was nailed to a wall with a harpoon gun pointed, happily awaiting his return in 23 years. Just how will the “Bat Outta Hell” manage to escape the trap that has been waiting for him for over two decades?
Well, I can’t really tell you that. However, we can confirm that Ray Wise (the resourceful farmer from JC2) will be manning that gun again, maybe as soon as January. The actor completed a table read last Monday, he told the crowd at the Weekend of Horrors, and he went on to reveal that the film will be a combination of both the first films, and that characters from both will be making appearances, albeit 23 years older, in the second sequel from director Victor Salva.
Another interesting piece of info came in with regard to the Creeper’s lair. Remember? The one with wall to wall naked teen decor? We will be seeing a lot more of the beast’s home. I wonder what he uses to hang his towels on … OK, maybe we don’t wanna know.
– Syxx
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