Sneak a Peek at Quarantine’s Infected!

The Brothers Dowdle are shaping their remake of “>REC (review) up pretty nicely. Those of us who have seen the original may not jump the same way twice, but it’s pretty easy to see that their interpretation of the Spanish original may just do the trick on a fresh audience.
Don’t think, however, that Quarantine isn’t going to try to improve on some areas. One look to the picture on the right should show you that the infected folks are a gruesome step up. Fangoria spoke to Quarantine FX man Robert Hall about his work on the October 17th remake. You’d think that working on a film of this relatively small scope, as far as special effects go, would be pretty easy. Right? Oh, you’re so wrong!
REC‘s American counterpart proved to be a real challenge for Hall and the FX crew, “I’ve never done any theater, but I would liken our shooting to that medium. Most of the takes were long ones with very few cuts, which made pulling off complex gags difficult. It was fun to sort of reinvent how I would do a conventional effect. The camera is first-person and always moving, which meant I couldn’t just hide under an actor with tubes and a syringe! Also, if one tiny thing went wrong, the whole take was ruined.”
– Syxx
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