Fire City: The Interpreter of Signs to Set AFM 2014 Ablaze

We’ve been following the progress of Fire City: The Interpreter of Signs closely over the last year or so, and it’s with a great deal of joy we announce that the practical effects monster flick is heading to this year’s AFM.
From the Press Release
Fire City, with its big idea of a film noir with demons and its underdog story of two newbies looking to retain some creative control in “Hollywood,” announces its first installment of four feature films – Fire City: The Interpreter of Signs.
The franchise garnered studio attention in 2012 – one exec dubbed it Harry Potter for adults – but only received offers of an all-rights script sale. Fire City’s creators Brian Lubocki and Michael Hayes instead partnered with Academy Award-winning character creator Tom Woodruff, Jr., whose special effects company’s credits include everything from the creatures in Aliens to the mutants in X-Men to the mythological beasts in Percy Jackson.
“In today’s climate, George Lucas would never be able to make Star Wars. And certainly not own any of it,” said director Tom Woodruff, Jr. “That’s why we had to go strictly grassroots.”
Fire City successfully overfunded its Kickstarter campaign in August of 2013, relying heavily on social media and the communities of practical effects and of independent horror films.
Represented by Highland Film Group for worldwide rights, the demon noir fantasy will start sales at this year’s American Film Market, Santa Monica, California. Much of its cross-platform content is available online, including:
- a comic book
- demon tarot cards
- short stories
- online game “What Type of Demon Are You”
- short film Fire City: The King Of Miseries
About Fire City
Set in a world where demons feed off of human misery but are forbidden from causing it, the film follows a hard-boiled demon, Atum Vine, as he investigates the sudden rehabilitation of the despicable humans around him. No longer miserable and abusive, the humans have become caring, loving, happy people. Now lacking the misery they need to survive, the demons living among them begin to starve. Vine must discover the cause before the event starts an all-out war between Humans and Demons. Fire City is being produced by Okay By Me Productions.
For more visit the official Fire City website, “like” Fire City on Facebook, and follow Fire City on Twitter (@interpreterfilm).
