The Gasp Menagerie – British Woman Trying to Get Exorcism of Spare Bedroom

Unwanted guests. You know how it goes. You invite someone over, maybe once or twice, then sort out that you’d rather not have them around. Then they show up unannounced. They spin a sob story, say they need a place to crash, hint at your spare bedroom… and the next thing you know, they’ve dug in and you’re wanting then out of your place dead or alive.
A British mom has that problem right now, but the unwanted guest is what she describes as a demon. According to the Daily Mail she can’t get anyone to live in the spare room so the local council is charging her a “bedroom tax” for keeping it empty. She claims it isn’t empty. Lorna McDonald claims a demon has moved in and drives out anyone who sleeps in the room.
The demon is apparently a terrible housemate. Noises, rattling mirrors, and hurled Buddha statues are among the accusations directed at the otherworldly squatter.
Priests have been called and have performed basic cleansing ceremonies, to no apparent effect. Maybe the clash of beliefs is to blame… there’s just something a little witty about a Buddha statue being hurled at a Catholic priest during a demonic confrontation.
McDonald has had no relief and claims she can’t pay the spare bedroom tax. Those mean officials from the local council say that paranormal occupants aren’t recognized under any standing rules.
Coming soon from some cheapo knock-off horror film company: Eviction of the DAMNED!