The Gasp Menagerie – Lovecraftian Horror Caught by Singaporean Fisherman

H.P. Lovecraft, God bless him, wrote of madness. Specifically, he often wrote of things so bizarre, so horrific, that they could cause madness just by gazing at them.
My friends, something from Lovecraft’s imagination exists in the story below. If you value your sanity, click on. Read something else. I’m sure there’s some Asylum mockbuster that Foy is eviscerating just a simple click away.
Still here? You were warned.
A fisherman off the Singaporean island of Pulau Ubin caught something in his nets that he first thought was a batch of coral.
Then it started… wriggling. Frantically.
The Huffington Post irresponsibly posted the story without warning and lead with the video the fisherman shot. This is a display of massive negligence on their part, and I expect faithful HuffPost readers everywhere are now suffering from insane visions of crystalline lifeforms in unknown planes of existence thanks to this action.
And now… against my better judgement… the video.
You might find, as I did, that you can’t take it all in during the first viewing. There’s too much movement. Tentacles on tentacles on… I don’t even know what… on tentacles. Like a living Mandelbrot set, spiraling forever in on itself. Impossible to follow to its end, hypnotic in its ability to draw you in ever deeper.
It may also just make you want to vomit.
This one DOES have an explanation, sort of. It’s a member of something called a “basket star.” Now, that’s the official story, but they may have made that up out of whole cloth to cover up the awakening and discovery of Lord Cthulhu’s minions.
The weird part is that the basket star is a deep sea critter, not something a simple fisherman would have netted. What was it doing at that depth? Are there more? ARE THEY COMING FOR US?!?
Sorry… it’s time for my thorazine…