DVD Releases: Pint-Sized Terror

A short, in more ways than one, crop of new horror discs are coming your way this Tuesday, July 1st, 2008…
Dead and Gone (2008)
Directed by Yossi Sasson
A struggling young actor decides the best way to make some money between gigs is to bump off his comatose wife and collect the insurance money. He kidnaps her and takes her to an isolated cabin, where years before a man murdered his entire family. Eventually he is driven insane by visions of his wife taunting him and smothers her, but that’s not enough to make her go away. Buy it here!
Fist of the Vampire (2007)
Directed by Len Kabasinski
A detective is assigned to infiltrate an illegal underground fighting tournament and bring them down. As he battles his way to the top, he starts to gather clues that may lead him to the solving of a crime committed back in 1977 that remains open. The only problem is the tournaments organizers are the undead who crave human blood, so now he’s got to deal with vampires on top of everything else. Buy it here!
Puppet Show (2008)
Directed by ?
Couldn’t find a lot about this one, but I did find a trailer that makes it seem like it was the very definition of “shot on the cheap”. Apparently it’s about a puppet named Charlie who kills people on the kid’s show he’s used for, then gets out into the real world and starts killing real people, too. Or something. Believe it or not, I’ve seen Full Moon movies that look better than this… Buy it here!
The Summer of the Massacre (2006)
Directed by Bryn Hammond
Now try and stay with me for this one; a group of friends (damn, lost you already) are driving through the English countryside and come upon the mysterious town of Blackwood, home of Hammer Head, a serial killer who likes to knock his victims out with a hammer then feast on their flesh. Will the friends stick around to find out if the legend is true or drive on through to someplace without legends of phantom psychopaths? What do you think? Buy it here!
Triloquist (2007)
Directed by Mark Jones
I’ve heard some pretty terrible things about this one, but I’m sure that’s not going to stop most of you from checking it out, right? The story is about a mute ventriloquist (he only talks through his dummy) and his psychotic sister as they hit the road for Vegas. Along the way the dummy starts killing people at random, and pretty soon the cops are on their trail and the only way out is via fiery, painful death. We assume. Check out Foy’s Triloquist review and maybe you’ll find out for sure! Buy it here!
Unborn Sins (2008)
Directed by Elliott Eddie
Well this one sounds like it could be fun, and points to Burning Moon for an effective cover if nothing else. Young Theresa decides she’s not ready for the child she’s carrying so has it aborted, never realizing that she’s the victim of a demonic curse that brings the baby back to life, who then proceeds to try and get its revenge on his mother for aborting it in the first place. Now there’s some guilt for you. Buy it here!
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