Romero, Cameron (Staunton Hill)

When we first heard the news that George Romero’s son Cameron was making a movie, needless to say we were interested. When we heard what that movie, The Screening, was about — the screening of a famed “lost” film that drives everyone who sees it to madness — our interest only deepened.
It’s been a while since The Screening was done, and Cameron has since moved on to a new film called Staunton Hill, which he’s deep into post-production on now. The film follows a group of travelers who come across the Staunton family home and the bad, bad things that befall them because of it.
I got Mr. Romero on the phone to discuss The Screening, Staunton Hill, when we might finally see both films, and what it’s like to follow in the footsteps of one of the most famous men in horror. We’re also joined by the film’s composer, Jesper Kyd (who’s done the music for games like Kane & Lynch & Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory), about halfway through! The results are below, so listen & learn!
Visit the official Staunton Hill site when you’re done to learn more, and be sure to VOTE FOR US ON PODCAST ALLEY!

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