Full Moon Features’ Amazon Prime Halloween Sale Is Now Under Way

Just in time for Halloween and to kick off the holiday shopping season, the good folks at Full Moon Features have launched their Amazon Prime Halloween sale. All DVDs are priced at a devilishly fitting $6.66, and Blu-rays are $9.99. And there’s oh, so much more!
In addition to all your favorite Full Moon movies being available at a downright steal of a price, everything from Full Moon Christmas cards, bobbleheads, trading cards, mugs, ashtrays, shot glasses, monster bras (yep, you read that right), etc., etc., etc., are available. This is an opportunity to fill your own shelves with movies and swag as well as get some early Christmas shopping done.
Also, if you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to pick up a Full Moon replica figure, get yourself over to Full Moon Streaming to pick out your favorite at a great price. Among the figures available are Stealth Six Shooter, ReAnimation Blade, Ooga Booga, Kamikaze, Bombshell, and several more.
Head over to the Full Moon Features Amazon Prime Store to grab the movies or collectibles at a steal of a price. For the replicas visit FullMoonStreaming.com.