Government Testing the Theme of American Horror Story’s Next Season?

No fan community looks ahead to the future quite like the fans of “American Horror Story,” as the show’s anthology-style concept constantly leaves us all pondering one simple question: What will be the theme of next season?
Though it’s impossible to know the answer, it’s always fun to speculate, and one fan’s attention to detail may have just revealed the setting and general theme of Season 5.
As reported by The Huffington Post, a Reddit user noticed that a white coffee cup with a black top hat printed on it has been seen a handful of times throughout the first several episodes of “Freak Show,” and he posits that perhaps series co-creator Ryan Murphy is hinting that Season 5 will center on Operation Top Hat.
Operation Top Hat was a government field exercise that took place in Alabama in 1953, one year after the fictional events of this season of “American Horror Story.” Hmm. Intriguing, isn’t it?
“Ryan Murphy stated that the top hat was indeed an arcane clue to our next season,” wrote the fan. “He chose to describe the clue as ‘arcane’ because usually a top hat is associated with stage magicians, but this is not the case for this clue. I believe the top hat clue actually references Operation Top Hat.”
“This is what I think season five might have in store for us,” he continued. “Human experimentation, Extraterrestrials, government conspiracy, abduction, biological/chemical/nuclear testing/warfare, and military cover ups. Who knows, by the end of this season, we could see the freak show fall apart, and the freaks being taken away to military testing facilities to be used as guinea pigs for biological/chemical weaponry.”
Again, we won’t actually know the theme of Season 5 for quite some time, and we must remind you that this is merely one fan’s educated guess. But if he’s on the money here, then Season 5 is going to be yet another wild one!