Breaking News! New Human Centipede 3 Still and Sound Clip Released!

It was with great shock and pleasure that we found a new image and sound clip from Tom Six’s highly anticipated The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) in our inbox today. In addition to making provocative movies, Six is a master promoter as well, and this tease is just enough to stoke our fires.
By the sounds of the audio clip, Dieter Laser is up to something nefarious, but we could be wrong. Have a listen for yourself. Laser returns in THC3, but this time as Bill Boss. Laurence R. Harvey is also back, but he plays a new character as well. The unmistakable Harvey appears as Dwight Butler. Also starring are Eric Roberts, Bree Olsen, Tommy “Tiny” Lister, and Robert LaSardo.
This is basically all we’ve got on THC3 thus far as Six is notoriously tight-lipped. The image confirms that the film is set in a prison. It appears Laser and Harvey are at the front of the room, and if you listen closely, you can hear the speaker say something about boiling water and what sounds like “Bill Boss” (Laser’s character) at the very end. Take a listen, and tell us what you think in the comments section.
The note attached to the email that delivered this little beauty to us went on to say that there are a lot of “cool things in the pipeline” (interesting choice of words from The Human Centipede team). Stay tuned, Dreadies! We’ll get you more info as soon as we get it!
For more info in the meantime, “like” The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) on Facebook and follow Tom Six on Twitter (@tom_six).