Petty Updates on Death, Burrowers

The other day we reported the great news that J. T. Petty had been signed on to bring new life to the long-thought-dead Faces of Death franchise. We dropped a line to J. T. to find out just what he thought about the project and what he hopes to see happen with it.
“It’s a license that doesn’t limit me story-wise at all, since the original has so little narrative,” he told us. “And there’s no way anybody would ever ask you to make a PG-13 movie called Faces of Death. Or try to force you into a three-act structure focusing on pretty teenagers. So far Angry and Rogue both have talked like they’re completely committed to a hard, strange film. Should be exciting!”
In all honesty when the project was first mentioned a few months back, I immediately thought the potential for bad was legion, but with a talent like J. T. at the helm, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Petty also gave us a quick update on The Burrorwers, the movie he’s been attached to make with Lionsgate for a few years now. “I’m still marching steadily towards Burrowers,” he confirmed. “I’m definitely shooting it next year!” A few months back we heard that Almost Human was working on some monsters for the film, which will be a horror movie set in the Wild West that has been described as Alien meets The Searchers. Now that sure is an interesting combination!
Keep it here for more on Faces of Death, The Burrowers, and S&Man, Petty’s documentary on underground horror that I reviewed for you guys right here!
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