You’ll Be Dyin’ on a Prayer After Seeing these Photos and Preview of Grimm Episode 4.04

In next week’s Episode 4.04 of “Grimm,” entitled “Dyin’ on a Prayer,” an ancient evil arises and consumes its victims. In other words, it’s just another Friday in Portland! Read on to see a preview of and clip from the ep along with a big batch of stills.
Want even more? Then check out these creature profiles of our Wesen of the Week. We get two for the price of one this go-round: the Heftigauroch, bull-like Wesen that are excellent fighters when provoked but prefer to avoid fighting, and the demonic Schinderdiv, which use fangs protruding from their jaws to pin down their victims and puncture their chests. Sounds like a perfect double-date to us!
“Grimm” Episode 4.04 – “Dyin’ on a Prayer” (11/14/14; 9-10pm)
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) are called to an unusual crime scene with a victim who appears to have died from clay-induced asphyxiation. At the precinct, Wu (Reggie Lee) begins to grow more suspicious of Trubel’s (guest star Jacqueline Toboni ) presence.
At the Spice Shop, Elizabeth (guest star Louise Lombard) makes a major breakthrough with regard to restoring Nick’s powers, while Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) experience cultural backlash as a result of their inter-Wesen marriage. In Europe, Adalind (Claire Coffee) hopes that putting trust in her mysterious visitor will help her escape the dungeon. David Julian Hirsh guest stars; Sasha Roiz also stars.
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