There are Living Dead Within the Woods!

The crew of the UK indie zombie flick Within the Woods drew our attention to their project today with a trailer and some “making of” videos. Can our pals from across the pond succeed where so many American indie filmmakers have failed?
“A mutated strain of Avian Influenza is about to affect two groups of young adults. Featuring a cast and crew from a variety of backgrounds and filmed entirely in the West Midlands, the film focuses on the unknown potential facing humanity if the H5N1 strain of influenza ever crossed over into the population. The story takes place over 24 hours and begins with a wild animal smuggler bringing in a rare bird from the Far East and meeting with his contact on the outskirts of the forest. The bird is infected with the mutated strain of H5N1 and passes on the disease when it attacks him. Later on the same day two groups of young adults on separate story arcs heading into an isolated area of woodlands in the hear of the Warwickshire countryside. The first group is comprised of four former foster children heading back to the cabin they used to stay in when they were children and hoping to repair their broken family ties. The second group are eco-protesters looking to try and stop the proposed redevelopment of the same woodlands by a building company. As the night progresses, they encounter the first victims and start the fight for their lives.”
Pay a visit to Within the Woods‘ official site and MySpace and Facebook profiles for more undead action.
Enjoy the trailer and two behind-the-scenes videos below.
– Syxx
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