Exclusive: Early Pic from Road to Hell

We first told you about Albert Pyun’s new film Road to Hell right here a few weeks ago, including a look at the poster. Today comes a sneak peek of a rough composite shot from the film.
Click the image to the right for the full version, which shows a bloody meeting between serial killer Cody (Michael Pare) and spree killer Caitlin (Clare Kramer). Again, it’s still rough and only a preliminary look at the finished product, but color me intrigued! According to Pyun, Road to Hell was shot entirely on green screen, which backs up some of the comparisons to Sin City our readers made upon seeing the early artwork. In any event, editing is done; now it’s on to the compositing.
Still waiting to hear from the filmmakers about a release date, distribution, etc., and once we do, we’ll be sure to pass on the news. In the meantime, visit Road to Hell‘s official site for more info!
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