Scariest Motel in America Haunted by 100s of Clowns

Scared of clowns? Coulrophobia have its grip on you so tightly that you cannot even look at a pair of floppy shoes without a chill running down your spine? Well then! This one is for you! Get out your pads and pencils, kids. It’s time to write down the name of a place you should NEVER go!
Roadtrippers just did a story on The Clown Motel located in the small town of Tonopah, Nevada. Still not sure where that is? Well, we never heard of it either. Apparently it’s just off Highway 95, about halfway between Las Vegas and Reno.
The lobby of this hellish establishment is filled with hundreds of menacing clowns, and each and every room is clown-themed as well. Yep! We’re talking 110% pure nightmare fuel!
If that’s not enough to chill your funny bone… The Clown Motel shares a lot with a cemetery full of gold miners who died from a plague. Yeah, just try to go to sleep there! We friggin’ dare ya!
Reddit users who have visited have been detailing accounts of their experiences there. Here’s one!
At one point early in the evening we were hearing strange sounds and what appeared to be someone screaming followed by popping and crunching noises. While in the bathroom my buddy decided to have a peek outside of the bathroom window. My buddy lets out a yell and busts out into the room and I’m like “what?!” He doesn’t say anything but goes right to his bag and gets his Smith and Wesson 357 out. I’m thinking “what the fuck” and I dig into my bag to get my Sig 232 out. He says we need to get the fuck out of there right now. I saw he was serious and that made me serious about it, we grabbed our shit for the most part (left a few clothes behind) and looked out the peep sight to make sure it was clear to our car. I threw my gun into my pocket, he put his in his waistband and we hauled ass to the car and got the hell out of there. On the ride away, I asked what he saw in the bathroom. He told me when he looked out the window there was this creepy-ass clown facing away from the window, pants at his ankles, making a weird motion. He told me the clown slowly turned 90 degrees to look at him, my friend said he looked down to see this clown fucking a full-sized dinner ham, when he looked up from the ham fucking the clown was smiling and waving at him.