Fever 2 Banned From Bible Belt

You know you’ve got something special on your hands in terms of a horror movie when you mange to offend an entire state with just a script.
Such was the case for the production team behind Cabin Fever 2, who were trying to get the okay to shoot in North Carolina but were smacked with a big fat NO once they sent the script in. “We’re probably the only group of filmmakers who have come in on a sequel to an extremely successful horror movie, during a time where everyone’s making horror movies, to still get turned down,” producer Lauren Moews told Fangoria. “Apparently we’ve clearly offended the Bible Belt.”
The sequel is still on the roll, though, with The Roost helmer Ti West handling directing duties this time out. The question most fans are asking, however, is why the hell it took so long to finally happen? “Eli and I are adamantly against a rehash, so that’s a battle we faced and one that takes a while,” Moews continued. “Of course, this is another indie film that Lionsgate will distribute, so I had to pull together financing as well, and that takes time.”
Damn straight it does, but everyone involved seems pretty psyched to see it finally happening, and the promise is in place that this will not be a duplicate of the first. As long as it’s just as good and just a bit more gory (cause it can always be more gory, right?), I know I’m fine with that.
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