Rare Sea Creature Caught on Video

Here at Dread Central we thrive on stories of the weird and rare! Especially when something really special is captured on video. Case in point… the extremely scary/crazy looking and rare black seadevil angler fish!
According to the San Jose Mercury News out of California, researchers with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute captured a black seadevil, or Melanocetus, an anglerfish species, on video. Scientists recorded the 3.5-inch monster swimming almost 2,000 feet below the surface of the water in the Monterey Canyon, off the California coast.
“We’ve been diving out here in the Monterey Canyon regularly for 25 years, and we’ve seen three,” said Bruce Robison, research division chairman of the aquarium’s research institute.
Yeah… I think we’ll leave this nightmarish thing to itself…