SDCC 08: Supernatural Season 4 Update!

The Woman in Black just checked in from Comic-Con with “Supernatural” news!
The panel for the popular WB series gave the audience a sneak peek of the first five minutes of season four! If you’ve yet to see season three, then please skip ahead a few paragraphs because we’re about to give away a few important details.
Dean (Jensen Ackles) awakens from his supposed death to find himself buried in a coffin. He screams for help but no one is around to hear his cries. Dean manages to escape his premature resting place and crawls to the surface. The show’s title appears on the screen.
We cut back to Dean walking down a road to an abandoned gas station. After breaking into the shop, he gets some water and picks up a newspaper. Four months have passed since the end of season three!
Confused by this news, Dean enters the bathroom to check his body. The wounds from the torture he endured have healed, but not everything is as it should be. On his left shoulder a mysterious hand print is burnt into his skin.
Deciding it’s time to leave, Dead grabs some candy and a busty Asian girlie mag. Before he can make his exit, a TV bursts to life with only static being displayed. The startled paranormal battler quickly turns off the set to find that a nearby radio has come to life bellowing Hawaiian music.
Knowing something is seriously amiss, Dean dusts salt around the windows, but nevertheless, the TV springs back to life and a super high frequency noise blows out all the windows in the station.
The startled Dean peers out a ruptured pane, and we cut to black. We must all wait till September 18th to find out what’s going on.
After the clip aired, we learned that Mitch Pileggi (“X-Files”) will be joining the cast of “Supernatural” as Sam and Dean’s grandfather. He’ll be introduced in a flashback episode which will also show us younger versions of the brothers’ parents. This season is also said to contain the best mythology since the Winchester boys first appeared on TV.
Other news out of Comic-Con regarded just how long “Supernatural” will be around. Unlike other series that keep going, creator Eric Kripke is sticking by his story that “Supernatural” is going to round out at only five seasons, and it will conclude with an “epic ending“. Kripke also provide some laughs — and many sighs of relief — when he revealed that press release mentions of a “love interest” for one of the brothers was just a means to get a rise out of the fans since he knows how much those two words annoy them.
Season three of “Supernatural” (official site) is also getting a Blu-ray DVD release on November 11th, and the panel ended with a preview of the ever-popular blooper reel from the set.
– Syxx
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