Goyer Working on New Invisible Man

David S. Goyer discussed all sorts of things at Comic Con this past weekend, but one thing I didn’t hear about until now is his intention to write a new Invisible Man that starts where H.G. Wells’ original novella leaves off.
“It sort of starts kind of, like, about two months after the events of the H.G. Wells book finish,” Goyer told Sci Fi Wire. “And the H.G. Wells book kind of ends with, you know, the original invisible man, Griffin, [who] has these three notebooks that all of his secrets are in, and at the end of the H.G. Wells story, you establish that they’re still in existence. But … nobody knows where they are. And my story begins with those three notebooks falling into the hands of someone else, and it takes off from there.”
Not a bad idea at all, really, especially when Goyer mentions that he’s planning on it being a horror film tied in with an epic adventure story. Probably not what Wells would’ve asked for were he still around to ask, but it’s a new age, friends.
No word on what Universal’s plans are for the new Invisible Man but as soon as we know, you’ll know!
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