Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Depending on when you’re reading this, you have either already been or are about to be elbow deep up the ass of a dead bird in search of The Bag™. We are right there with ya and have the number of a good therapist on hand, just in case.
Another year has passed, and we’re thankful that despite a flailing economy and the constant yappin’ of Generation Outrage, Dread Central is still carrying on, and that’s all because of you guys. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… it’s you who allow us to exist. It’s your support that keeps everything moving. We even like when you yell at us from time to time because it keeps us on our toes. We know the anger only comes from passion, and we could never fault you for that. We hope you see that very same passion in our work. We love you, and we’ll never ever forget or take for granted what you guys bring to the table. You’re our peers, and this site is just as much yours as it is ours.
May everyone’s Thanksgiving Day be filled with laughs, love, and lunacy; and may your early morning hunt sticking your hand up a dead bird’s ass until you find the dreaded Bag™ housing its entrails and neck be swift, painless, and non-psyche scarring.
We thank you guys for all that you do. You have no idea how much you mean to us. Thanks to Fright Rags for the incredible holiday eye candy you see below! EAT UP!