*UPDATED* Blow by Blow MK vs. DC Details!

**UPDATE: Scroll down to see some gameplay footage for yourself!**
The rumors of a bloodless, watered down, neutered Mortal Kombat can be put to rest. As I watch Scorpion take on Batman, the blood flies like a lawn sprinkler upon every contact. Game designer Brian LeBaron demoing the game for us (with Eddie Ferrier on second controller) remarks “Yup, he ain’t sweatin’ red there!” As Scorpion is driven through the walls of several rooms, we notice a gaping hole has opened in his back, revealing his spinal column. We are told that if that wound was in the front, we could see the beating heart within his chest!
At the end of one round, Scorpion celebrates a victory by turning toward the cameraman and hooking him with his chains which pull the camera in close. Mind you, this “up close and personal” viewpoint pops up often in the game during the fight as if to grab you by the neck and put you right in the middle of the carnage.
Now Scorpion finds another foe in The Flash, who uses some vicious, well planned speed attacks reminiscent of when Lex Luthor took over his body on JLU. All is in vain, though, as Scorpion gets the upper hand and the game screams the familiar “FINISH HIM!!” Scorpion promptly rips his face off, turns toward Flash, and sets him ablaze with fire from his hands. Gotta love the old school moves.
Now we have a cat fight…literally. Catwoman takes on Sonya with a mind blowing display of acrobatic combat. One move has her using her whip to wrap around the waist of her opponent, and with a yank, she hurls herself toward them feet first. Another attack has her mounting the struggling fighter to deliver some well placed claw slashes. It’s at this point our man Buz wanted to point out “their boobies shake as the fight.” Yay realism!
Now Superman jumps into the game with a dizzying demonstration of mid-air combat, ending when he’s smashed his opponent firmly into the pavement below. Nothing can escape a direct blast of heat vision, and the hapless fighter tumbles into a stone monument which breaks apart. Now the game screams for blood, but as we know well, DC heroes do not kill! Our heroes get “Brutalities”. To make sure this baddie has learned his lesson, the Man of Steel drives him into the ground like a railroad spike, leaving him buried up to his arm pits and twitching (signifying he’s still kicking.)
Comic legend Jimmy Palmiotti tells us there is a story line laced through the game, adding a further dimension and making this not just some cross-promotional smackdown title. He couldn’t say much but hinted that it’s much like those cross-branding tales where misconceptions between strangers lead to battle and, later, a super team-up to defeat a common foe. More to come on that front very soon!!
The SDCC panel for MK vs DC revealed 4 new characters in Joker, Green Lantern, Jax and Kitana (as well as a one-shot comic and unlockable mighty Jim Palmiotti character as well!), so the roster is shaping up to be one most geeky game players will find hard to resist. For me, even the possibility of Joker VS Goro is too good to pass up. Gimme.
– Nomad
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