Anaconda 3: The Hoff-Spring DVD News

Did you miss the Sci-Fi Channel premiere of Anaconda 3 (review) starring David Hasselhoff this weekend? Good news: the DVD is already scheduled for an October 21st release. Or you could just watch the movie when it replays on Sci-Fi September 21st. I think Sony Home Entertainment would prefer you wait for their DVD.
Anaconda 3: Offspring (Sci-Fi left off the “offspring” part of the title, amazing given their love for titles with colons) will retail for about $24.96. Not enough Hoff-on-snake action in the movie to justify that price if you ask me. But I think with every copy sold John Rhys-Davies gets one step closer to adding another room onto his house.
The film will be presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track for those that care about such technicalities.
DVD Active reports the only announced DVD extra thus far is a digital copy of the film. Because what better way to view a movie about a 60-foot snake than on an iPod.
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