Dial Hibbing 911 for a Sneak Peek of Supernatural Episode 10.08

Regular TV programming is trickling back on the airwaves this week, including tomorrow night’s Episode 10.08 of “Supernatural,” which is entitled “Hibbing 911” and features the return of Sheriff Mills. As you’ll soon see, there are some things in the world not even the Men of Letters know about!
“Supernatural” Episode 10.08 – “Hibbing 911” (airs 12/2/14)
JODY MILLS RETURNS — Jody Mills (guest star Kim Rhodes) reluctantly attends a mandatory sheriff’s retreat and is partnered with an overeager sheriff named Donna (guest star Briana Buckmaster) who wants to bond. Just as Jody thinks things can’t get any worse, a body with just strings of meat and skin hanging off the bones is discovered.
While the local sheriffs blame an animal attack, Jody knows better and calls Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles). Tim Andrew directed this episode with teleplay by Jenny Klein and story by Jenny Klein and Phil Sgriccia.
Related Story: Sheriff Mills Returns in these Photos from Supernatural Episode 10.08 – Hibbing 911
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