Get a Sneak Peek of Z Nation’s Season Finale Episode 1.13 – Doctor of the Dead

We haven’t been covering (or watching) Syfy’s “Z Nation” on a regular basis, but after hearing that it’s been renewed for a second season, we decided to give it a chance. Now that we’ve seen the first several episodes, we’re hooked!
It’s not as “heavy” as “The Walking Dead” can be, but that’s fine… we really dig the humor and lightheartedness of the show (where else can you find a zombie getting stoned?), and the gore gags are awesomely over-the-top. Plus, they’ve already killed off two people we thought were main characters!
If you’re a fan also, be sure to let us know; in the meantime here’s a sneak peek from Friday night’s Season 1 finale, Episode 1.13, “Doctor of the Dead.”
“Z Nation” Episode 1.13 – “Doctor of the Dead” (airs 12/5/14, 10PM)
The remaining survivors must face an evil doctor, the loss of one of their own, and a threat that could end the world… and it ain’t zombies!