Call the Doctor! It’s Another Clip from The Pyramid!

All right… now things are getting ridiculous! Yet another clip or TV spot or whatever you want to call it has arrived for The Pyramid, the last theatrical horror offering of the year. At this point we’re starting to feel like we’ve seen the whole thing, but thankfully there’s just one more day to get through before the film hits multiplexes.
Gregory Levasseur’s directorial debut, The Pyramid, will be in theatres on December 5, 2014. Look for our review soon!
Alexandre Aja produced the film, which stars Ashley Hinshaw, Denis O’Hare, James Buckley, and Daniel Amerman. Levasseur worked from a script by Daniel Meersand and Nick Simon.
Related Story: An Exclusive Clip Unfolds for The Pyramid
A team of U.S. archaeologists unearths an ancient pyramid buried deep beneath the Egyptian desert. As they search the pyramid’s depths, they become hopelessly lost in its dark and endless catacombs. Searching for a way out, they become desperate to seek daylight again. They come to realize they aren’t just trapped… they are being hunted.
