Germans Stop Dead From Rising

According to reports across the web, our friends in Germany are not going to be playing Dead Rising any time soon. Why? Apparently the game has been banned by the German ratings board. This shouldn’t come as much news to anyone either, as numerous horror films have been cut to pieces or banned in Germany. In fact, the original Dawn of the Dead was originally banned, then later re-cut with most of the violence removed.
Still, some are surprised given that previously in Germany, replacing innocent bystanders with zombies was a way to avoid being banned, but having personally played the game, I can attest that there’s a lot of graphic violence that’s inflicted on the survivors in the mall not just the undead.
It’s really only unfortunate for people in Germany, as no doubt the news that it’s been banned will encourage a lot of people that mightn’t otherwise have heard of it to check out Dead Rising and all its gory zombie mayhem.
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