Did Kevin from Home Alone Grow Up to Be Saw’s Jigsaw? The Startling Facts!

You know… every now and again a reason to love the Internet comes along that we have to share. Case in point: the following comparison that examines whether or not Kevin from the Home Alone franchise grew up to be Jigsaw from the Saw franchise! You have GOT to read this story from Grantland!
“It’s notable, I think, that most of Kevin’s home-defense devices are triggered by the victim, just as Jigsaw’s traps are,” says the site. “In Saw II, Jigsaw used an electrified staircase with blades that slashed at the legs of the SWAT team officers trying to apprehend him. An embryonic version of this trap appears in Home Alone, when Kevin coats the basement stairs with tar and nails, causing Marv to impale his foot.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, kids! Click on the above link and get ready to discover the “startling truth” Well played, guys! Well played!