Greg McLean Talks Wolf Creek 2 Possibility

All right, before I go too far into this story about a possibility of Wolf Creek 2, let me say this; Greg McLean’s much-maligned giant crocodile film “>Rogue (DVD review) is now out on DVD, and you should be watching it. It really does kick a lot of ass and features some of the best-looking CG I think I’ve ever seen in a giant animal film.
That being said, McLean jawed with his fellow countrymen at Moviehole recently and the subject of Wolf Creek 2 was broached; “I am working on a few screenplays right now, as I am keen as hell to make another movie as soon as possible, because the Rogue release has been such a long process.” the writer/director told the site. ”I’m ready to rock again – but want to make sure I’m going out there with a screenplay that’s as great as it can be.”
There is one small drawback to making another Wolf Creek, aside from the simple fact that it’d be nice to see McLean stick with some original material, ”You’ve got to top the first one – and seriously, how much horror can you handle? If I did make “Wolf Creek 2″ it would almost have to be unreleasable. Rated XXX. Banned all over the world. Never to be screened in public. That’s kind of intriguing.”
Indeed it is! We’ll be keeping an eye on what McLean is up to and let you know as soon as a new project is committed to. Hopefully it won’t be another ridiculously long time before we see it, too! Now go buy Rogue!
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