Indie Silent Hill: Requiem Releases Second Teaser Trailer

Independent filmmaker Gareth Morgan has taken on a massive challenge, creating a new Silent Hill movie. The crowdfunded project, Silent Hill: Requiem, is currently in post-production with Zenithfilms and has just released a brand new teaser trailer.
Throughout the history of their existence, video games have attempted to look more and more like movies. Silent Hill: Requiem is the first time we’ve seen a movie try to look more like a video game. The slick filmmaking techniques of the writer/director/star of Silent Hill: Requiem, Gareth Morgan, are producing a very unique project that definitely has a Silent Hill feel to it.
The brand-new two-minute trailer is included below as well as a look at the original one-minute teaser. Silent Hill: Requiem stars writer/director Morgan along with Owlen Davies, Jade Louise, Demi Apryl, and Sam Swainsbury. The film is set in the year 2014, and the Otherworld has broken free of its boundaries and is now infecting the entire world. An unknown force has brought back those that have faced Silent Hill before to try to stop it.
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