Aja Talks Piranha 3D

Much like this week’s release of Mirrors, which was based on the Korean film Into the Mirror, Alexandre Aja is insisting that his Piranha 3D remake will not really be a remake at all, but rather a completely original film which just happens to share the same title as Joe Dante’s original.
“It’s not based on the Joe Dante or James Cameron movie at all,” Aja said in a recent interview with Sci Fi Wire. “It’s a piranha movie. There is absolutely nothing [from those movies].”
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, especially when you consider that Aja’s been saying from Day One that he wanted his Piranha to be as much of an 80’s throwback as possible. Good thing he had Saw V/Feast scribes Marcus Denton and Patrick Melton give the script a polish recently. There’s a duo that know about good old-fashioned throwbacks.
As for the look of the titular beasts, Aja said that what we’ve seen to date has been all wrong. “I cannot say too much right now, because we are really starting making the movie. In time we will release designs.” he continued. ”There are many designs online that, I don’t know where they are coming from, but they are not coming from us.”
Where they were coming from was Wild Bunch, the sales agent who had their hands on the remake a while back. Since the pics have disappeared of Wild Bunch’s site, that is a good sign they weren’t the final look, anyway.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing a helluva lot more about Piranha 3D in the coming months so don’t even think about going anywhere else!
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