Scream Factory Overload: Carrie! Ghoulies! Sleepaway Camp 2 and 3!!

No company knocked more balls out of the park in 2014 than Scream Factory, who released countless fan-favorites onto Blu-ray for the first time and also reintroduced some lost gems to us horror folk. 2015 looks to be no different, as Scream Factory has already unveiled a sneak peek at their upcoming slate!
Over on their Facebook page this afternoon, the company showed off the cover art for three releases that are headed our way in April of next year, which include an Invaders from Mars Blu-ray as well as Blu two-packs of Ghoulies/Ghoulies 2 and Carrie (2002)/The Rage: Carrie 2. No details on extras or specs at this time.
Perhaps most excitingly, they also teased Blu-ray Collector’s Editions of both Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers and Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland, which they say have been heavily requested. Again, they offered up no details, and cover art isn’t yet available for those two titles.
While we wait for more, check out all the new art below!
To find out more about Scream Factory and their upcoming releases, visit the official Scream Factory website, “like” Scream Factory on Facebook or follow them on Twitter (@scream_factory).