Gremlins Attack VOD!

Since we’ve not had a new It Came From the Internet in a while and it’s a slow news day (seems everyone wants to talk about the Poltergeist remake more than anything else), here’s something to both keep you busy for 7 minutes and take your mind off unwanted remakes.
Loyal reader “Rob” shot us an e-mail with a link to the below video, an incredibly well done fan-made alternate Gremlins 2 scene. Instead of the monsters bursting through on a broken film reel like they did in Joe Dante’s underrated sequel, they put themselves in films like Tim Burton’s Batman, Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Exorcist through the wonders of Video on Demand! It’s a helluva lot of fun and looks damn good, so enjoy!
Look for a full It Came From the Internet very soon!
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