The Gasp Menagerie: Construction Equipment Destroyed by Ghosts?


I’ve talked here before about the concept of “bad land,” an area that seems cursed, haunted, or just somehow tainted that draws bad luck, tragedy, and horror. Along those lines is a spot in Wisconsin next to Lake Michigan.

WISN ABC reports that a brand new, half-million-dollar excavator was driven off a bluff and into Lake Michigan… yet, no body was found inside, and they have no clue who could have done it.

As it happens, the patch of land being worked on has three different legends explaining why it could be haunted. According to the story, the ghosts of long-dead factory workers or the spirits of a murdered family could be the culprits, but the best evidence says the ghosts of drag racers who flew off the cliff could be the ones responsible for all the reports of activity in this area.

Haunted Excavator

While there may have been drag racing deaths on this land in the past, one confirmed incident happened in 1976, when two teenagers were killed and two were critically injured when they hit a patch of stumps in a way that launched them Duke Boys style into the air and over the 200-foot cliff. They lay injured and dying for hours before police saw the busted barricade and found the car.

Reports of this plot of land say you can sometimes hear cars racing by, screams and splashes, cheers of onlookers. Bursts of hot air, as if a roaring engine bursts past you, have been experienced by many, including paranormal researchers.

While police say they have no leads, we’re left with one prime suspect: Did a ghost bring this excavator to life and drive it over the cliff? Are the spirits on this land angry at the development and attempting to maintain their haunted home as-is? Could the drag racers still long to drive machines into the night and the dark, freezing waters of the lake?

The Gasp Menagerie



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