The Gasp Menagerie: Haunted Indian Fort Frightens Filmmakers
India is a land of variety and mystery. Home to hundreds of languages and separate cultures, India’s history is likewise home to a plethora of spooky legends and tales of hauntings, curses, and horror.
In keeping with this, WonderWoman is reporting that a film shot on the grounds of Bhangarh Palace brought multiple paranormal experiences to the cast and crew.
Bhangarh Palace, part of Fort Bhangarh, is called the most haunted place in Asia. Legends say it is part of a curse placed on it long ago when a tantric black magic practitioner (that means an evil sex wizard) placed a curse on the place after being jilted by a princess. The fort was then wiped out, and now the curse continues, the ghosts of the dead haunt the place, and the princess in question is supposed to be reincarnated and return to the fort to break the curse.
Wacky story, but it’s taken very seriously locally. Experiences in the fort have been so intense that the society which oversees the property has banned all visitors between dusk and dawn.
The director of the film decided to make the movie because of experiences he had on the grounds where his friends seem to have been cursed. (Sure, let’s go BACK to the place where bad stuff happened to us… that makes perfect sense.) The actors and crew experienced inexplicable weather effects and a strange delay of encroaching dusk as well as strange odors.
Is Fort Bhangarh actually cursed? Is there something natural to explain the phenomena? Did the inevitable dance routines that almost certainly took part during filming rouse the anger of the tantric black magician by making him lose his ghost boner?