Seeing Is Believing these New Promos for Sleepy Hollow Episode 2.12 – Paradise Lost


The official synopsis, a few photos, and several promos/sneak peeks have arrived for “Sleepy Hollow” Episode 2.12, “Paradise Lost,” which airs early in the new year on January 5th. Everything changes when the show returns; we’re especially interested in a new character to whom Abbie feels deeply connected… sorry, Ichabbie shippers!

Want even more? Then be sure to check out the bottom video, in which Orlando Jones talks about the ultimate sacrifice that Frank Irving paid for a greater cause.

“Sleepy Hollow” Episode 2.12 – “Paradise Lost” (airs 1/5/15)
Reeling from the events of their standoff with Moloch, Ichabod and Abbie encounter an angel, Orion (Max Brown), that they believe can help them. Meanwhile, Katrina searches for the humanity in Abraham (Neil Jackson).

Cast: Tom Mison as Ichabod Crane; Nicole Beharie as Lt. Abbie Mills; Katia Winter as Katrina Crane; John Noble as Henry Parish; Lyndie Greenwood as Jenny Mills.

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