HBO Loses Faith in Preacher

You may recall a few months back that a lot of hoopla arose surrounding the announcement that Mark Steven Johnson, he of Ghost Rider infamy, would be tackling a miniseries for HBO based on Garth Ennis’ beloved comic series Preacher. The plan was large; at one point every single issue of the comic was going to be an entire episode of the show (really the only way it would work). Now, however, Johnson has revealed that it was always close, but no cigar.
“We were budgeting and everything and it was getting really close to going,” Johnson told Comics Continuum. “But the new head of HBO felt it was just too dark and too violent and too controversial. Which, of course, is kind of the point!”
If that’s the reason the show will not come to pass, I’m actually glad for its demise. To make a tame, watered-down Preacher would be far worse than never making Preacher at all. Of course, there’s always the possibility of a film or two, but something tells me that would be even more difficult to push through.
But hell, if someone finally made Watchmen a reality, anything’s possible so keep on hoping!
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