New Imagery for French Horrors Mutants, Humains


New Mutants posterNew artwork came down today for two new French horror films that both seem more than worthy of us keeping an eye on.

First up is Mutants, a film by David Morley. Set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, “>Mutants follows a couple trying to escape a pack of bloodthirsty mutant types, but things go south very quickly when one of them is bitten. The new poster art (click to see it bigger) showed up on director Morley’s MySpace page recently, and while it’s about as low-tech as they come, it’s enough to pique my interest.

New Humains imageryThen there’s “>Humains from Pierre-Olivier Thévenin and Jacques-Olivier Molon. Blair Witch got its hands on a ton of stills from the film, which is about researchers in the Swiss Alps who run afoul of something hideous. Unfortunately none of the pics show off what that something is, but I’m sure we’ll know soon enough!

No word on any kind of U.S. distro for either Mutants or Humains, but as soon as we hear more, we’ll let you guys know!

Johnny Butane

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