Exclusive: Adam Mason’s Pre-Broken Short “Prey”

Over the weekend we were dropped the good news from Broken and “>The Devil’s Chair (review) director Adam Mason that one of his first short films called “Prey”, made years before “>Broken (review) and since believed to be lost, has been found and is available exclusively for Dread Central readers!
”Prey was pretty much the direct predecessor to Broken in most ways – especially in the sense of the way we shot it and the crew,” Mason told us. ”Thematically the first draft of Broken was a lot like Prey, only told from the woman’s POV.”
Made back in 2003, a year before work on Broken began, the short sure doesn’t look like it was shot on the cheap by first-time filmmakers, especially when you see the short’s opening aerial shots! ”The aerial shots we done with some kid in a Microlight who drove up from Bergen!” Mason let us know. Indie filmmakers, something to keep in mind!
”It’s rough around the edges, but I found it the other day and thought people might like to see it. It’s based on a true story – that of Alaskan serial killer Robert Hansen. We were always planning on making a feature version of it, which is kind of like Silence of the Lambs meets Fargo…” Of course there’s no word if that’ll ever happen, but it sure sounds intriguing!
All right, enough history! Check out Adam Mason’s pre-Broken short “Prey” below!
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