Hellboy II DVD Details!

Finally, news on the “>Hellboy II: The Golden Army DVD has come out, though it seems like it was just the other day we were raving about our first time seeing it. Both one-disc and three-disc editions will be available, but no solid street date has been nailed down as of yet, though if it came out near Halloween, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.
DVD Active received the art for both editions as well as a trade ad for the collector’s set, which will feature the three-disc release along with a limited edition Golden Army statue. Oh hells yeah.
All that’s known in terms of bonus material so far is that the three-disc will have nearly three hours of extras plus a digital copy of the film, and a two-disc Blu-Ray edition will come with a feature that allows you to build your own comic book. So that means there will be a total of four releases for this one movie: a single disc (which has the best art), a two-disc Blu-Ray, a three-disc Collector’s Edition, and a limited edition gift set. Seems a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Stay tuned for solid details and a release date very soon!

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