The Huntsman Loses Frank Darabont but Keeps its Release Date for Now


The long MLK Day weekend kicked off with a bit of sour news for those looking forward to seeing what Frank Darabont (The Mist, “The Walking Dead”) might do with The Huntsman, the prequel to Snow White and the Huntsman that’s currently gearing up for production, but he and the project have parted ways over the usual “creative differences.”

But don’t fret; per Deadline, Universal already has someone in mind to take over, and the film is still on track for an April 22, 2016, release.

The follow-up to 2012’s surprisingly successful spin on the old fairy tale focuses on the returning Chris Hemsworth’s character. Charlize Theron will also be back as the evil witch Ravenna, and Emily Blunt is in talks to join the fun as the villain of the piece.

We should have updates soon so stay tuned!



