Grimm Cast and Crew Establish Fund for OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

The cast and crew of NBC’s “Grimm” have really made Portland their home away from home and become a part of the community. Since Season 1 they’ve been involved with the Oregon Health & Science University’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital by spending time with the families of children in the hospital, and now they’ve taken their involvement a step further. Sasha Roiz (aka Captain Sean Renard) has worked tirelessly to set up a fund to help those families directly called the Grimmster Endowment.
The Grimmster Endowment will provide patients and families critical support, and on February 7th the inaugural “Grimm Gala” will take place in Portland to continue the efforts of supporting these families. The gala quickly sold out, but fans around the world can still donate here and participate in the online auction. Below is the press release with more information on this worthy cause.
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From the Press Release:
The cast and crew of NBC’s hit TV drama “Grimm,” which is set and filmed in Portland, Oregon, are supporting OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital with the establishment of the Grimmster Endowment.
“Over the past few years, my fellow cast and crew members and I have fallen in love with the city. Since Portland has given us so much, we wanted to give something back,” said Sasha Roiz, who plays Captain Sean Renard on “Grimm.” “The cast visited OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital not long after coming to Portland, and we were moved by the families, the kids, and everything the hospital does to ensure that patients receive the best possible care in a supportive, family-centered environment. We also were made aware of the hospital’s areas of greatest need, which inspired us to establish the Grimmster Endowment, a patient-assistance fund that provides children and families critical support associated with uncompensated care, travel, lodging, and other services integral to the care and comfort of the most vulnerable patients.”
Fundraising efforts for the endowment will kick off with the “Grimm Gala” at the Eastside Exchange Ballroom on February 7, 2015. Comcast and NBCUniversal are underwriting the cost of the event so that all proceeds will go directly to the Grimmster Endowment. The gala is sold out.
“Grimm” fans are encouraged to support the endowment by making a donation or by participating in an exclusive online auction of memorabilia from the show. The auction is open to the public and will run from January 26 to February 4. Bids can be placed at
Online auction items include the Volcanalis eye from Episode 2.18, Monroe and Rosalee’s cake topper and wedding invitation from Episode 3.22, and drawings from the “Grimm” book, among other items from Seasons 1 through 4.
Help spread the word on social media using the hashtag #grimmgives. For more info visit “Grimm” on, check out some InstaGRIMMS on Instagram, “like” “Grimm” on Facebook, and follow “Grimm” on Twitter.