Roost and Reeker DVD Dates and Art!

Word has come down via Fangoria that Showtime will be releasing Ti West’s much-applauded indie effort, The Roost (review), on DVD come October 3rd. A fitting time frame if there ever was one. The Roost is about a group of unsuspecting victims who are attacked by a particularly vicious kind of bat one unfortunate night, bats that have the power to turn their bit victims into zombies.
Though there’s been a lot of hype about The Roost, the end result is a pretty strong indie film that doesn’t even come close to overstaying its welcome, clocking in at just under an hour run time. Don’t believe any of its numerous taglines including “A Nightmare Unparalleled in the History of Human Imagination” because, well, it’s not.
As you can see, the artwork, courtesy of DVD Active, is not final as it has some typos on it. Personally I hope they’ll get away from the Bats look and use the art you can see on the film’s IMDB page. Much cooler.
Showtime will release David Payne’s highly regarded monster movie Reeker on October 3rd as well, which also has some okay artwork that could be better if it were simplified. Said art is also not final either, so perhaps we’ll see something cooler. And a better tagline…
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