Exclusive: Brett Ratner Considering Conan?


Conan to be in the hands of ... Ratner?While this may not be horror in the strictest sense, sometimes some news comes along that just makes your stomach turn and you have to get it out there.

We got word today that Nu Image is offering the long-awaited new Conan movie to, of all people, Brett Ratner. Over the years there have been so directors circling this project, everyone from Robert Rodriguez to Rob Zombie, the fact that Brett Ratner might actually attach himself to this and make it a reality is almost enough to make one wish they’d just stop trying to bring Robert E. Howard’s creation back to the big screen.

We’ll wait until we get some more solid details on this before giving up completely, but if Ratner does get it, I think it’ll be pretty clear that Nu Image doesn’t give a single hell what the fans want to see from a new Conan movie. How could they possibly think he’d be able to do a movie like this any justice? What films has he directed that indicate this would be a good fit?

Johnny Butane

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