Today on VOD: Salma Hayek Kills Dudes in Badass Action Flick Everly

While his latest isn’t exactly a horror film, Joe Lynch is one filmmaker who will always have a home here on Dread Central, as he’s one of us. Plus, Everly (review) is totally loaded with gruesome violence, so it’s one no horror fan should miss!
Everly is the third feature film to be directed by Lynch, who made himself known on the horror scene with the exceptional sequel Wrong Turn 2: Dead End. This time around, he heads into action territory, and he’s brought the beautiful Salma Hayek along with him – and armed her with an arsenal of assault weapons.
Hayek plays the title character in Lynch’s latest, a call girl who has turned against her gangster boss Taiko (Hiroyuki Watanabe) and become a police informant. In response, Taiko has put out a hit on Everly and her family. Soon, every criminal in town wants to cash in. Everly’s survival instincts quickly kick in as she matches wits and firepower with Taiko and a seemingly endless stream of killers.
Ahead of its theatrical release on February 27th, Radius-TWC has made the film available for digital rental on all major VOD outlets TODAY, including iTunes, Amazon, Playstation, Xbox, Vudu, YouTube/Google Play, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon, Dish, Directv, and other cable providers.
So make time this weekend to support Lynch, badass cinema and independent film!