Start Date for Whedon’s Cabin in the Woods

Well, it’s not a ton of new information, but at least we can keep Joss Whedon’s “>Cabin in the Woods close to the front of your brainpan again for a bit, right? Right!
A blog posted on the LA Times site about Mary Parent’s new roles with Untied Artists makes mention of Whedon’s planned return to horror, though only briefly. They state that shooting on Cabin in the Woods, the only film Parent has greenlit for UA to date, should start up in February for its planned release date of October 23rd, 2009.
The horror/comedy has still yet to have any plot details released, good on Whedon and director/co-writer Drew Goddard (pictured) for keeping that under wraps, but the budget is said to be $30 million, which should be more than enough to create something horror fans will likely flock to see.
More details as they slip out!
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