David Duchovny Talks Twin Peaks and X-Files Return
David Duchovny spoke briefly about two series he appeared in that are both making a television comeback: “Twin Peaks,” in which he played DEA Agent Dennis, and of course “The X-Files,” in which he play… oh, if you don’t know, you’re on the wrong website. Read on for the skinny.
During an interview with The L.A. Times Duchovny dropped the following on fans when asked about the return of both shows.
“Seems like it. I would bet on it if I were you. I think ‘Twin Peaks’ is happening for sure. I hope my character comes back; I think she does. And then ‘X-Files’ — Fox made some kind of shadowy announcement last week. Certainly, something’s happening. Something’s brewing. It’s like the Eagles’ greatest hits tour… by me.”