New Haig, Hodder Flick Clips!

One of our eagle-eyed readers by the name of “Wade” just sent us a heads up that clips from two new movies we horror fans are bound to check out, Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield starring Kane Hodder and A Dead Calling starring Bill Moseley, Sid Haig, and Leslie Easterbrook (the latter duo as normal parents!) have surfaced online.
The clips have shown up on editor Bryan Roberts’ official site, likely as a way to show off what he can do, but for us they’re a glimpse at two new DTV horror flicks coming from Lionsgate that actually may not suck! Both were directed by Michael Fiefer (The Graveyard, Grim Reaper) and are set to be released soon from the ‘Gate.
A Dead Calling, pictured above, is about a young girl who returns to her adopted parents’ home but finds herself called to another mysterious house in town with a horrible secret. Ed Gein is another re-telling of the serial killer’s story, this time with Kane Hodder in the title role. Priscilla Barnes and Michael Berryman also star.
Check out the clips right here but beware; some spoilers may be had!
Discuss what life would be like if Sid were your dad in our forums!