Celebrate Women in Horror Month 2015


This February begins the 6th Annual Women in Horror Recognition Month, a month dedicated to celebrating the filmmakers, actresses, artists, authors, and other important women in horror. Women in Horror Month was created by Hannah Neurotica, who also runs the official Women in Horror blog, Axwound.

According to Women in Horror Recognition Month’s mission statement:

Women in Horror Recognition Month (WiHM) assists female genre artists in gaining opportunities, exposure, and education through altruistic events, printed material, articles, interviews, and online support. The vision is a world wherein all individuals are equally given the opportunity to create, share, and exploit their concept of life, pain, and freedom of expression.

WiHDiscrimination runs rampant in Hollywood, and it is very difficult for females (even well-known actresses) to get their films funded by major studios. Statistics prove that women are still not offered the same opportunities as men due to a variety of reasons from discrimination to female professionals accepting less than they are worth in order to receive the same opportunities as their male colleagues.

WiHM focuses on supporting the achievements of women who utilize the most extreme mirror available in storytelling: horror. We encourage women to explore and represent these horrors constructively in positive environments.

WiHM was created with no exclusion. Men play a vital part in the female gender reaching equality. There are many male WiHM supporters and artists who choose to assist and work with professional and talented underrepresented females. Be a guiding example of a male who respects both genders equally. We all must take personal responsibility in our beliefs, values, and actions. Participating in positive, constructive environments that encourage and provide a safe platform for women to share and explore is vital.

Every February, WiHM supporters host events (blood drives, film screenings, art shows), write blogs and articles, conduct interviews, and create videos and podcasts for mass consumption.

Women in Horror Month is all about expanding opportunities for contemporary female genre filmmakers and artists by raising awareness about the changing roles for women in the film industry.

Click the following link to see events happening this year for Women in Horror Month.

Women in Horror Month



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